When I tried to add the struts minor disaster struck. The flimsy joins proves to be very weak indeed. So I tried again. This time I added the wing struts first and then, using stacks of pennies, provided support for the upper wing while I put it and the caban struts in place. The lack of positive attachments for the struts is causing lots of headaches. Despite drilling some mounting holes the strut joins are still very weak.
Struts are glued in place with slow drying crazy glue. |
After letting them dry a bit I mounted the model on the wing. I used one of the stacks of pennies to weigh the wing
down so the struts would make contact with the upper wing. A painful process. Took more that a few tries to get this right and the wings will still need some adjustment using the rigging to get them looking correct. |
Despite the struggle the model is starting to take shape. |
The engine and cowling area. |
Same area, different angle. Will have to repaint where the crazy glue has
pooled at the bottom of the caban struts. |
The seat belts and cockpit area look good. |
I have also undercoated the radiator that will be mounted on the wing just above the engine.
No image of that yet. |
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